Modbus Gateways

BACnet to Modbus HVAC Protocol Converter BL120BN

Item No.: BL120BN
BLIIoT BL120BN protocol converter supports BACnet IP, BACnet MSTP converting to Modbus RTU, Modbus TCP protocols.
  • Basic Version: 2 Serial Ports: BL120BN
  • P Version: 6 Serial Ports: BL120BNP
  • Introduction Features Specifications Download Applications
    BL120BN HVAC BACnet protocol converter is designed to transmit communications from BACnet devices to Modbus devices for building automation. 
    A typical scenario in industrial applications is integration of BACnet/IP or BACnet MS/TP devices into a Modbus TCP or Modbus RTU installation.

    ⚪Downlink Supports BACnet/IP, BACnet MS/TP
    ⚪Uplink Supports Modbus RTU, Modbus TCP
    ⚪Supports SNMP V1/V2
    ⚪Supports transparent transmission
    ⚪RJ45 Ethernet ports
    ⚪RS-485/232 serial ports
    ⚪Supports OpenVPN
    ⚪Supports 4G communication
    ⚪Supports WiFi, routing functions and cascading switch 
    ⚪Supports remote configuration and firmware upgrade

                                                                      Model List
    Model WAN LAN COM(RS485/RS232) WiFi 4G GPS
    BL120BN 1 1 2 × × ×
    BL120BNL 1 1 2 × ×
    BL120BNLG 1 1 2 ×
    BL120BNW 1 1 2 × ×
    BL120BNP 1 1 6 × × ×
    BL120BNPL 1 1 6 × ×
    BL120BNPLG 1 1 6 ×
    BL120BNPW 1 1 6 × ×

    IoT Gateways
    BL120BN HVAC BACnet protocol converter is designed to transmit communications from BACnet devices to Modbus devices for building automation. 
    A typical scenario in industrial applications is integration of BACnet/IP or BACnet MS/TP devices into a Modbus TCP or Modbus RTU installation.

    ⚪Downlink Supports BACnet/IP, BACnet MS/TP
    ⚪Uplink Supports Modbus RTU, Modbus TCP
    ⚪Supports SNMP V1/V2
    ⚪Supports transparent transmission
    ⚪RJ45 Ethernet ports
    ⚪RS-485/232 serial ports
    ⚪Supports OpenVPN
    ⚪Supports 4G communication
    ⚪Supports WiFi, routing functions and cascading switch 
    ⚪Supports remote configuration and firmware upgrade

                                                                      Model List
    Model WAN LAN COM(RS485/RS232) WiFi 4G GPS
    BL120BN 1 1 2 × × ×
    BL120BNL 1 1 2 × ×
    BL120BNLG 1 1 2 ×
    BL120BNW 1 1 2 × ×
    BL120BNP 1 1 6 × × ×
    BL120BNPL 1 1 6 × ×
    BL120BNPLG 1 1 6 ×
    BL120BNPW 1 1 6 × ×

    IoT Gateways
